Sigfredo(also known as Mento) is the minister at a church in Moca. He and his wife are loved and devoted to the community where they serve. Sigfredo is a church planter at heart and would love to start another church while continuing to work at the current one. He loves to share the work load with Toby he can start more churches while continue to work with his current churches. Sigfredo is a big believer in prayer and loves seeing how God works. He now has a church building that just had a thatch roof when he first started. The biggest needs for his area: *salary for himself so he can do more with the community-$450 a month *School supplies for the 75 kids who attend a Bible class on Sunday-cost $20 per child. *Provide meals for the kids on Saturdays $75 a week. *Come alongside the local school and helping them at the beginning meet basic educational standards. Under 1% of the school have basic math skills. *Provide a community fund for those most in need-starting at $250 a month -Help with cost of medicine, doctor visits, and hospital stays for the poorest people -Help those most in need with food on a monthly or bimonthly basic *Build a place where meals can be made for the Saturday school, church, and the community. *Provide scholarships to send kids to STEM schools *Purchase a field where the local kids can play baseball or soccer.